The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) had set up the Company Law Committee (CLC) on 18th September, 2019 to make recommendations to the Government inter-alia on further re-categorisation of certain criminal compoundable offences to civil wrongs carrying civil liabilities and certain other changes to facilitate and promote ease of doing business and ease of living. The report was presented on 18th November, 2019.
This Committee has made certain recommendations for rationalising penalties in respect of 46 compoundable offences in five different manners. As mentioned in report, the proposed recommendations will help further to declog the special courts and the NCLT. It also improves ease of living for the corporates and other stakeholders of the country.
Main recommendations are as follows:
Further no changes has been suggested w.r.t any non- compoundable offences under Companies Act, 2013.
(i). Section 56 - Failure to comply with the procedural requirements in relation to the manner of transfer of securities
(ii). Section 86(1) - Contravention of the provisions of Chapter VI (Reg. of charges)
(iii). Section 88(5) - Failure to maintain members’ register, debenture-holders register and register of other security holders
(iv). Section 89(5) - Declaration in respect of beneficial interest in any share (Failure to make declaration in MGT-4 & MGT-5)
(v). Section 89(7) - Declaration in respect of beneficial interest in any share (Failure to file Form- MGT-6)
(vi). Section 90(10) Declaration of interest by the significant beneficial owner (Failure to make declaration in BEN-1)
(vii). Section 90(11) Declaration of interest by the significant beneficial owner (failure to maintain register of SBO in format of BEN-3)
(viii). Section 92(6) - Contravention of the requirements under this Section by a company secretary in practice certifying annual returns
(ix). Section 105(5) Issuance of invitation to appoint proxies
(x). Section 124(7) - Failure to comply with the requirements given in this Section for dealing with Unpaid Dividend etc.
(xi). Section 134(8) - Contravention of the requirements given in the Section for financial statements and Board reports
(xii). Section 135 - Company which meets the specified financial thresholds shall constitute a CSR Committee and comply with other provisions
(xiii). Section 143(15) - Violation of the obligation to report fraud by auditor, company secretary in practice or cost accountant
(xiv). Section 172 - Punishment for contravention of any provisions relating to appointment and qualifications of directors
(xv). Section 178(8) - Contravention of the provisions relating to Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Stakeholders Relationship Committee
(xvi). Section 184(4) - Contravention of the provisions mandating disclosure of interest by the director
(xvii). Section 187(4) - Contravention of the provisions regarding holding of investment by a company
(xviii). Section 188(5) - Punishment for contravention of provisions regarding related party transactions by a director or employee of company
(xix). Section 204(4) - Contravention of provisions mandating secretarial audit for certain classes of companies
(xx). Section 232(8) - Punishment for failure to comply with obligations imposed in relation to merger and amalgamation
(xxi). Section 247(3) - Valuation by registered valuers
(xxii). Section 405(4) - Punishment for non-compliance with orders of the Central Government to direct companies to furnish certain information
(xxiii). Section 450 - Contravention of any of the provisions of the 2013 Act or the rules made thereunder, and for which no penalty or punishment is provided elsewhere
(i). Section 8(11) Failure of the company to comply with the requirements imposed on Section 8 companies
(ii). Section 26(9) Contravention of matters prescribed to be stated in prospectus
(iii). Section 40(5) Default in complying with the requirements for a public offer
(iv). Section 68(11) Default in complying with requirements for buy-back
(v). Section 128(6) Failure to maintain books of accounts of the company at its registered office and its inspection thereof by any director of the company
(vi). Section 147(1) Default in complying with provisions of Chapter X
(vii). Section 167(2) Punishment for continuing to act as director even upon becoming liable for vacation of office under the Section
(viii). Section 242(8) Powers of the NCLT to pass an order when an application has been made for relief in a case of oppression and mismanagement
(ix). Section 243(2) Default in complying with directions of the NCLT regarding termination or modification of certain agreements
(x). Section 347(4) Contravention of directions of the Central Government in relation to disposal of books and papers of the company which has been wound up
(xi). Section 392 Punishment for contravention of provisions related to foreign companies
(i). Section 48(5)- Variation of the rights of shareholders of any class with consent of three-fourth of the holders
(ii). Section 59(5) - Grievance before NCLT regarding entries in register of members
(iii). Section 66(11) - Publication of order of the NCLT confirming reduction of share capital
(iv). Section 71(11) - Non-compliance with order of the NCLT regarding failure to redeem debentures on maturity or in payment of interest
(v). Section 302(4) - Dissolution of company by the NCLT
(vi). Section 342(6) - Prosecution of delinquent officers and members of company
(vii). Section 348(6) - Contravention of provisions regarding information related to pending liquidations by Company Liquidator and 348(7) Punishment for wilful default in contravention of provisions regarding auditing of statement by Company Liquidator
(i). Section 16(3) - Non-compliance with order of the RD directing change of name of company
(ii). Section 284(2) - Promoters, directors, etc. to cooperate with the Company Liquidator
(iii). Section 302(4) - Dissolution of company by NCLT (liquidator does not serve the order of dissolution to RoC within 30 days)
(iv). Section 441(5) - Non-compliance with order of compounding of the NCLT or the RD
(v). Section 356(2) - Powers of the NCLT to declare dissolution of company void (in case the liquidator does not file the order of the NCLT, declaring the dissolution of a company void, with the RoC)
(i). definition of a ‘listed company’ under Section 2(52) of the 2013 Act should be amended to exclude certain classes of companies that have listed such securities as may be prescribed by the Central Government in consultation with SEBI
(ii). reduction of timelines for speeding up rights issue under section 62
(iii). amendment in Section 89 to add a new sub-section (11) to allow the Central Government to prescribe class or classes of persons who shall not be required to make a declaration under Section 89(1), (2) or (3).
(iv). extending exemptions for filing of certain resolutions to certain classes of NBFCs under section 117(3)(g)
(v). insertion of suitable provisions in the Section 135(1), which would enable the Central Government to enhance such limits by way of rules.
(vi). enable the Central Government to prescribe classes of bodies corporate (including foreign companies) which would be exempt from applicability of Chapter XXII
(vii). review of penalty for delay in filing the annual return/ financial statement (Sec. 454)
(viii). relaxation of provisions relating to payment of additional fees Under the third proviso to section 403(1)
(ix). new provision to be introduced to empower the Central Government to set up benches of NCLAT, through notification
(x). section 435 of the 2013 Act may be amended to exclude Section 452 from its ambit. The jurisdiction in such cases would be determined in accordance with the CrPC.
(xi). Central Government may consider notifying specialised benches for NCLTs and number of benches of NCLT should be increased substantially for matters under both the statutes, i.e. the 2013 Act as well as the IBC.
(xii). amendment in relevant provisions, including Section 149 and 197, to provide remuneration for non-executive directors.
(xiii). exemption for certain private placement requirements for qualified Institutional placements
(xiv). insertion of Part IXA of 1956 (Producer company) Act into the 2013 Act and Section 465 of the 2013 Act be suitably amended.
(xv). extending applicability of section 446B to producer companies and start-ups
(xvi). rationalisation of quantum of penalties in respect of six Sections (64(2), 92(5), 117(2), 137(3), 140(3), 165(6)) presently under the Adjudication Mechanism.
This Committee has made certain recommendations for rationalising penalties in respect of 46 compoundable offences in five different manners. As mentioned in report, the proposed recommendations will help further to declog the special courts and the NCLT. It also improves ease of living for the corporates and other stakeholders of the country.
Main recommendations are as follows:
- Re-categorisation of 23 offences in the category of compoundable offences to an adjudication wherein default would be subject to penalty levied by adjudication officer
- 11 Compoundable offences will be limited to fine only (i.e. removed imprisonment part)
- Omission of penal provision from 7 sections which are compoundable in nature
- 5 offences to be dealt with an alternate framework
- Other recommendations are related to ease of doing business and ease of living
Further no changes has been suggested w.r.t any non- compoundable offences under Companies Act, 2013.
The recommendations in
details are as follows:
offences recommended to be re-categorised to an adjudication mechanism are as
(i). Section 56 - Failure to comply with the procedural requirements in relation to the manner of transfer of securities
(ii). Section 86(1) - Contravention of the provisions of Chapter VI (Reg. of charges)
(iii). Section 88(5) - Failure to maintain members’ register, debenture-holders register and register of other security holders
(iv). Section 89(5) - Declaration in respect of beneficial interest in any share (Failure to make declaration in MGT-4 & MGT-5)
(v). Section 89(7) - Declaration in respect of beneficial interest in any share (Failure to file Form- MGT-6)
(vi). Section 90(10) Declaration of interest by the significant beneficial owner (Failure to make declaration in BEN-1)
(vii). Section 90(11) Declaration of interest by the significant beneficial owner (failure to maintain register of SBO in format of BEN-3)
(viii). Section 92(6) - Contravention of the requirements under this Section by a company secretary in practice certifying annual returns
(ix). Section 105(5) Issuance of invitation to appoint proxies
(x). Section 124(7) - Failure to comply with the requirements given in this Section for dealing with Unpaid Dividend etc.
(xi). Section 134(8) - Contravention of the requirements given in the Section for financial statements and Board reports
(xii). Section 135 - Company which meets the specified financial thresholds shall constitute a CSR Committee and comply with other provisions
(xiii). Section 143(15) - Violation of the obligation to report fraud by auditor, company secretary in practice or cost accountant
(xiv). Section 172 - Punishment for contravention of any provisions relating to appointment and qualifications of directors
(xv). Section 178(8) - Contravention of the provisions relating to Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Stakeholders Relationship Committee
(xvi). Section 184(4) - Contravention of the provisions mandating disclosure of interest by the director
(xvii). Section 187(4) - Contravention of the provisions regarding holding of investment by a company
(xviii). Section 188(5) - Punishment for contravention of provisions regarding related party transactions by a director or employee of company
(xix). Section 204(4) - Contravention of provisions mandating secretarial audit for certain classes of companies
(xx). Section 232(8) - Punishment for failure to comply with obligations imposed in relation to merger and amalgamation
(xxi). Section 247(3) - Valuation by registered valuers
(xxii). Section 405(4) - Punishment for non-compliance with orders of the Central Government to direct companies to furnish certain information
(xxiii). Section 450 - Contravention of any of the provisions of the 2013 Act or the rules made thereunder, and for which no penalty or punishment is provided elsewhere
Compoundable offences will be limited to fine only (i.e. removed imprisonment
(i). Section 8(11) Failure of the company to comply with the requirements imposed on Section 8 companies
(ii). Section 26(9) Contravention of matters prescribed to be stated in prospectus
(iii). Section 40(5) Default in complying with the requirements for a public offer
(iv). Section 68(11) Default in complying with requirements for buy-back
(v). Section 128(6) Failure to maintain books of accounts of the company at its registered office and its inspection thereof by any director of the company
(vi). Section 147(1) Default in complying with provisions of Chapter X
(vii). Section 167(2) Punishment for continuing to act as director even upon becoming liable for vacation of office under the Section
(viii). Section 242(8) Powers of the NCLT to pass an order when an application has been made for relief in a case of oppression and mismanagement
(ix). Section 243(2) Default in complying with directions of the NCLT regarding termination or modification of certain agreements
(x). Section 347(4) Contravention of directions of the Central Government in relation to disposal of books and papers of the company which has been wound up
(xi). Section 392 Punishment for contravention of provisions related to foreign companies
of penal provision from 7 sections which are compoundable in nature
(i). Section 48(5)- Variation of the rights of shareholders of any class with consent of three-fourth of the holders
(ii). Section 59(5) - Grievance before NCLT regarding entries in register of members
(iii). Section 66(11) - Publication of order of the NCLT confirming reduction of share capital
(iv). Section 71(11) - Non-compliance with order of the NCLT regarding failure to redeem debentures on maturity or in payment of interest
(v). Section 302(4) - Dissolution of company by the NCLT
(vi). Section 342(6) - Prosecution of delinquent officers and members of company
(vii). Section 348(6) - Contravention of provisions regarding information related to pending liquidations by Company Liquidator and 348(7) Punishment for wilful default in contravention of provisions regarding auditing of statement by Company Liquidator
offences to be dealt with an alternate framework/Mechanism
(i). Section 16(3) - Non-compliance with order of the RD directing change of name of company
(ii). Section 284(2) - Promoters, directors, etc. to cooperate with the Company Liquidator
(iii). Section 302(4) - Dissolution of company by NCLT (liquidator does not serve the order of dissolution to RoC within 30 days)
(iv). Section 441(5) - Non-compliance with order of compounding of the NCLT or the RD
(v). Section 356(2) - Powers of the NCLT to declare dissolution of company void (in case the liquidator does not file the order of the NCLT, declaring the dissolution of a company void, with the RoC)
(i). definition of a ‘listed company’ under Section 2(52) of the 2013 Act should be amended to exclude certain classes of companies that have listed such securities as may be prescribed by the Central Government in consultation with SEBI
(ii). reduction of timelines for speeding up rights issue under section 62
(iii). amendment in Section 89 to add a new sub-section (11) to allow the Central Government to prescribe class or classes of persons who shall not be required to make a declaration under Section 89(1), (2) or (3).
(iv). extending exemptions for filing of certain resolutions to certain classes of NBFCs under section 117(3)(g)
(v). insertion of suitable provisions in the Section 135(1), which would enable the Central Government to enhance such limits by way of rules.
(vi). enable the Central Government to prescribe classes of bodies corporate (including foreign companies) which would be exempt from applicability of Chapter XXII
(vii). review of penalty for delay in filing the annual return/ financial statement (Sec. 454)
(viii). relaxation of provisions relating to payment of additional fees Under the third proviso to section 403(1)
(ix). new provision to be introduced to empower the Central Government to set up benches of NCLAT, through notification
(x). section 435 of the 2013 Act may be amended to exclude Section 452 from its ambit. The jurisdiction in such cases would be determined in accordance with the CrPC.
(xi). Central Government may consider notifying specialised benches for NCLTs and number of benches of NCLT should be increased substantially for matters under both the statutes, i.e. the 2013 Act as well as the IBC.
(xii). amendment in relevant provisions, including Section 149 and 197, to provide remuneration for non-executive directors.
(xiii). exemption for certain private placement requirements for qualified Institutional placements
(xiv). insertion of Part IXA of 1956 (Producer company) Act into the 2013 Act and Section 465 of the 2013 Act be suitably amended.
(xv). extending applicability of section 446B to producer companies and start-ups
(xvi). rationalisation of quantum of penalties in respect of six Sections (64(2), 92(5), 117(2), 137(3), 140(3), 165(6)) presently under the Adjudication Mechanism.
report has been placed on the website of Ministry of Corporate Affairs for
further public comments. The comments on the recommendations of the Committee
along with justifications, in brief, may be sent latest by 25.11.2019.
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